ISTD: Understanding Grids & Type

As part of my research I wanted to develop a better understanding of type and its anatomy as it is a typographic focused project and therefore I want to make sure I understand the reasons for selecting certain typefaces. It is also to be able to see the differences within other typefaces and understand the qualities that make them unique.


I also looked into grid systems in order to try and gain a better understanding of how they work as I don’t really understand the different grids that can be used and their purposes. 

I have always been somewhat confused by them and I knew that using a solid grid system is essential for this project and therefore knew I needed to gain a better understanding of them.

What I managed to understand from them is that there are five main forms of gird structures; Manuscript, Column, Modular, Baseline and Hierarchical. Each have their main uses.

  • Manuscript grids are used in documents, PDFs, ebooks etc. that have lots of texts (think Microsoft Word).
  • Column grids tend to be used more in magazines to arrange the content into columns in order to make it easier to read.
  • Modular grids are almost like a checkerboard and can help to organise multiple elements on a page.
  • Baseline grids are defined by the line in which the text sits upon, it is the leading of the text that determines the size of the baseline. It is used to help create a good reading rhythm.
  • Hierarchical grids are mostly used for websites and digital displays.

Overall, I feel much more confident having taken some time to understand the two in more depth, I now feel more confidently to identify the anatomy of type and understand their different qualities. Also understanding grid systems has allowed me to make a more informed choice in regards to selecting what grid to use as I now know why and where they are used within different areas of design.